Friday, April 4, 2014

Always, there is a reason

I have always been told that idle hands do the devils work. This I can agree and attest too. Sitting stagnant in the San Diego County town of Oceanside, I see the waves rolling in and the tide moving out. I have seen cloud cover turn to sun and then fade to evening stars, over the vast ocean. I have sat in a state of tranquility until this very moment I am explain. I have been a month and one half jobless, out of work, unemployed, whatever the most simply put way to convey I have not made money in this 45 day period of my life. This is not the usual and even though I find myself longing for more, activity, responsibility, what have you, I recognize that at this very moment I am internally changing. My chemistry and cognizance are in a state of disarray, and not because I am confused or have taken some mind altering substance, no but because of moving from a place of familiarity to a place unknown.

I spoke of the unknown in one of my "blogs" earlier in my life. I spoke of an unknown feeling towards an unknown situation. This is that exact situation I was describing, without knowing what I was talking about, because I had never been in this state before. I have the basic necessities that life requires of you: shelter, food, water, air. I am sensing that there is still something missing. Connection, trust, problems, solutions, rationale, infatuation, lust, moments of confusion, indescribable circumstances are other necessities of a human, because it makes an organ function, that otherwise is rather stagnant. Our livers, eyes, heart, stomach, colon, kidneys all function automatically and as long as you give those mechanical pieces the correct nourishment, they will continue working, without any thought being given to them. On the other hand, there is the brain. It is split into sections, ones that I am so utterly understudied in that I cannot even begin to list the pieces that complete the whole. I consider it in three pieces, ID, EGO, SUPEREGO.

The Id will function automatically and controls all the automated functions that operate freely without hesitation, while under proper care and maintenance.

The Ego and Superego are the parts that, left uninitiated, will begin to cease function. No you will not go brain dead, as we so often hear being said. These two integral pieces of the brain need constant exercise as well. Consistent nourishment, but not in a way as mentioned above. These parts of the brain need be challenged with complex emotions, logic, confusion, fright, connection, responsibility, and nature, to list a few.

Again I reiterate my current lull in existence, being stagnant not by force but by choice. I will not dare say I resemble being depressed, or emotionally unwell, I am just in a state of limbo that my brain cannot quite wrap itself around. (It is amusing that this is all being written by the brain in limbo.)

Find me a man with nothing to do, and I will bring to you a person ready for anything. Mentally prepared to face any challenge because of the insistent urge to do: to build, to identify, to understand, to mend, to mold, to touch, to embrace, to create art and concertos, to cry, to smile and have a reason to do it all.

Reason is why all of mankind, women, men and everything in between, can adapt and survive.

What is the reason to live? To be
What is the reason to die? For comfort
What is the reason to build? For shelter
What is the reason to eat? To nourish
What is the reason to think? To understand
What is the reason to explore? To attain knowledge

Maybe I am typing to hear myself think. Maybe in order to jump start it into a state that is not stagnation. Maybe for various other reasons, but again there is reasoning behind it. Always, there is a reason.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Leyva

A friend approached me one day with an amazing idea and since that day we have been working on making it happen. It isn't the most difficult thing but dimensions and strength tests and designs are need to make it work. This time we've stumbled on gold. I've never been excited like this. Keep the momentum and rock out which ya cock out.
